Do your APs have terrible communication skills? They expect you to read their mind with just 3 words, they interrupt, they don't let you finish because they try to read your mind but it's typically the wrong thing, they are just all over the place...

Do your APs have terrible communication skills? They expect you to read their mind with just 3 words, they interrupt, they don't let you finish because they try to read your mind but it's typically the wrong thing, they are just all over the place...

Maybe it's not an abusive narcissistic thing and it's just someone with horrific communication skills but I had to deal with that craziness while living with them. Man I can't even express the refilef I felt talking to other people outside my parents. I could say 1 thing and guess what? They allow me to finish my sentence and not only do they allow me to finish my sentence, they are paying attention and they understand what I'm saying.

This has nothing to do with al anguage barrier and everything to do with dealing with ignorant mfers. This is what I had to deal with my whole life while living with them. What takes 4 seconds can take 20 minutes.

-Me: Yesterday, I went to Walmart and... (Interrupted) -Them: What time did they open? -Me: 6am... I went to Walmart and wanted to... (Interrupted again) -Them: Did you know Walmart laid off 3k ppl last week? -Me: No I didn't know that, but I went to Walmart and wanted to buy some rolls... (Interrupted again) -Them: Why didn't you tell me? I just got back from Albertsons. -Me: (Speaking 2x faster to avoid being interrupted) Look I went to Walmart and they didn't have any rolls, so don't go to Walmart buying rolls tomorrow.

That was the type of BS I had to deal with daily, and what sucks is like most y'all when y'all were young, I was forced to rot in my room with 0 interactions with anyone else. When I interacted with people outside of my parents, I always get this dopamine of relief when they actually understand me the 1st time around.

I could say the most simplest thing and my parents would have a difficult time understanding. Then when I got older many years ago in my mid 20s, they made me lead trainer and had to give instructions to a team at work, 2 of the workers who had 0 knowledge about my past said, "wow, he's a great trainer. His instructions are super clear."

That meant more to me than any woman walking up to me and telling me they thought I was cute. I was able to forgive one of my APs because later in life, I found out they didn't have a mom or dad to teach them basic communication manners. They were great in their careers and what they did to provide for me, but their communication was just so barbaric. I learned that I took it personal and thought as if they were picking on me but the whole time they were just ignorant as hell.

My AP had no friends growing up, no one to talk to, no mom or dad so of course they were going to communicate like a savage. The frustration came from me treating them as if they're normal but they aren't. It's like getting frusted with a blind person because they can't see you waving at them but it all makes sense when you realize they are blind.

With that being said, I still avoid communication with this AP because it literally drives me insane. Imagine them saying 3 words and they expect you to read whats on their mind.

"I need you to go to Walmart to buy some brownies that cost exactly 3.45"

Now imagine them saying 2 or 3 words trying to convey that and they call you stupid for not understanding them, and then you call them stupid for having a clutter brain and it all ends up in a bad argument that they started by calling you stupid for not being a psychic as their defense mechanism.

Even now when I'm training someone or when I'm talking to someone in real life face to face, I'm usually shocked and at awe when they understand the basic things that come out of my mouth because I'm just so not used to it during my childhood/teen years.