Bought some water mixable oils and medium yesterday, some questions

I bought a bunch of winsor and newton water mixable oil artisan oil paints at Michael’s for $3 on clearance and then bought some water mixable medium and linseed wmo medium for painting in my bedroom. I brought them home (parents house) and have not used them. I hear I have to buy an airtight metal trash can to keep oily paper towels in and especially if I use the linseed oil medium but also I read that the WMO paint itself contains linseed oil. Should I just use the regular WN medium instead?

I am wondering where I should keep this metal trash can, in my bedroom where I will be painting which is a moderate temperature and usually air conditioned or in the garage which is not air conditioned and can get very cold in winter or very hot in the summer. How do exactly do I keep these oily paper towels in water inside the bin without mold forming? Keep it in a plastic container inside? Any more tips?