Please accept that men and women have different requirements
Few days ago there was post titled "misconceptions about village girls" where OP talked about how village girls, against the popular perception, are not always sanskari and quite a few of them have physical relationships and abortions before marriage.
Someone jumped into the thread talking about how its not the village girls' fault since they are having sex with boys and so boys are equally to blame for girls not being sanskari Verjins anymore.
I told the person that the thread was created to warn men who are getting AM, and thus it was focused on girls. No point in talking about "boys' faults" in a thread that is meant to advise men - most men in the sub here are interested in marrying girls not boys, and most men already know that 99% boys are horny perverts who will gladly sleep with any woman who is willing. They were not happy with my reply, and insisted that the aforementioned village girls were blameless and it was the village boys who were to blame for corrupting them. I told them that discussion could be done in a different thread, but they kept downvoting me.
Imagine if there was a thread on women's safety women were advised to sit far from men on public transport because men might try to molest them, and a bunch of men jumped in talking about "not all men", and "you could be groped by a lesbian girl too" and "men get molested too". Ok???? Its true but that's not what this thread was made for.
My humble request: Please let people discuss things in peace. Women don't like when men discuss girls' pasts and body counts, men don't like it when women discuss men's salaries and assets. If you don't like it, don't read that thread. Jumping into a thread to tone police a discussion because your a feminist and you sensibilities were hurt is just poor form.