Idiocy with HK without rear sights

Can someone explain to me why aiming through the front sight on HK without a rear sight works and is still in the game? The developers don't care at all that their game is turning into a circus where people can see through glass with thermals and shoot clown guns that you wouldn't hit anything with in real life? Why can't they at least do something normal instead of just stealing both good and bad from the tarkov? Without rear sight it is IMPOSSIBLE to shoot accurately, with rear sight the fools with thermals will have at least some challenge - why isn't it still there?

Sorry, just butthurt. The rich in this game get even richer, the poor just can't get out of poverty, because, well, the rich have all the advantages, and it's as if the developers play along and make life easier for them.

It's elementary - no rear sights? You can't aim. That's it. It's a matter of two clicks literally from the developer's side.