Update 2: I'm going to [an [EVEN] even better] college!!!!!

Heyyy A2C fam!

In my last post, I mentioned I got into Purdue and Minnesota (w/ a 100k scholarship), both for computer science. Since RD decisions are just around the corner, I thought I'd drop a quick update. I've gotten a couple more decisions/scholarships, but most of them were safeties. However, there were two that seemed important enough to warrant this post...

I got into University of Maryland CS, with a $60k scholarship! It's actually the smallest of the three scholarship packages I've been awarded, but Maryland is a t20 for CS so I've definitely not discounting it.

And.. 🥁🥁🥁🥁 (this is meant to be a drumroll)

I got into University of Michigan CS! This one was reaaally unexpected — I only started thinking about college and realized I wanted to pursue CS in junior year itself, so the fact I bagged a top 10 CS school is kinda surreal. It's also mad expensive, so hopefully I can get some scholarship or something (or an equivalent/better + cheaper school in RD).

Out of where I've gotten so far, which would you guys choose? Drop it in the comments like it's hott

Hope the boy is making yall proud 🥹