I’m an international student and want to go to an Ivy League, how do I start?

For context, I’m an international student living in Europe. I go to a highly competitive school and am currently in grade 10 (which I think is equivalent to grade 9 in the US). I’m a straight A student and would say I’m pretty involved in my school. I was also awarded a first place scholarship to the school I’m currently attending (one of the best high schools in my country).

Although I’d love to apply to an Ivy League, I’ve noticed how competitive it is and was wondering if I could get some tips on how to start building my application as an international student. I live in a very small country where there aren’t many opportunities and have also been educated through the UK educational system which I know are disadvantages.

However, I’m still determined to apply. I’ve seen a lot of people filling up their schedules with a bunch of ecs and am starting to feel like I don’t do enough. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can increase my chances of acceptance? Thanks in advance!