Maleneth: Shade of Khaine is pretty fun

I just finished the book and didnt find any post on it yet, so i decided to shill it a bit.

Initially, while i liked the titular murder elf in the Gotrek books, i wasnt sure if i actually cared about her enough for a solo novel, especially after how bad Soulslayer was.

But i was pleasantly suprised and found myself caring about Maleneth more than before, and the weirdos she meets on the way are just as fun.

I dont know much about Daughters of Khaine as a faction to judge how accurately the book portrays them, but it made me interested in them for the first time. Same with Ulgu, before i just saw it as a realm that existed, but reading about Nightcliff and how it functions was very interesting.

Overall, a solid 7/10, would recommend