Little something I noticed about FEC

Hello Realmwalkers (I'm sorry Sage) so I have random nonsense thoughts about ghouls sometimes. It comes with sleep deprivation I think, or the deliciously sweet scent of fresh flesh. Either way let's put down a time line of great simplicity to illustrate a little point I wanna make clear.

So in aos there's been 4 major disasters so far,we all know this. The age of chaos, the necroquake, the era of the beasts, and the recent vermindoom.

The age of chaos was when chaos first invaded the mortal realms and it was... Well apocalypse fits I suppose. The flesh eater vampires were little more than rampaging monsters up until now (really mostly consigned to Ushoran's first court which was going mad without their king) buuuuut suddenly many, many cultures completely collapsed under the stress of the apocalypse, starving and attacking themselves if they weren't being raided by chaos armies. And with Sigmar being the arrogant hillwilhelm he was at this time and Ushoran's freedom this allowed the flesh eater courts to start up as they founded their domains in the remnants of old and fallen societies in the Summer King's wake. Win for the flesh eaters. They come out swinging.

Then when Sigmar sent out his eternals and chaos began to be beaten back, Nagash' ritual to kill all life in the realms was sabotaged by skaven and the necroquake happened. This caused death magic to swell and swelter across the realms and empower ghosts, skeletons, and all types of creepies... Including the original flesh eater vampires, which allowed them to grow their domains as their own power and the reach of their madness extended. No doubt this also toppled many cities and civilisations again which were ripe for the contagion. Win for the flesh eaters.

Then Teclis beat Nagash and Allarielle unleashed a rite of life that pushed the death magics back and instead sent a wave of life magic over the realms. This boosted the Beasts of Chaos, the forces of destruction, and caused wildlife to grow exponentially... Including the Mordants, who were still alive and now grew stronger, ate better off the new wildlife, and became even smarter (this I'm sure I'm not sure about). At the end of this era Ushoran went out and poisoned many cities with his blood, spreading his bloodline and madness across wherever his blood ended up while also causing him to go out and interact more with his countless descendants while he schemes against the other mortarchs. Win for the flesh eaters.

And while we haven't gotten their battletome for this edition yet, the vermindoom is spreading across Aqshy, the realm of fire, causing cities to fall to skaven decay and assault. This will destroy trade routes, cause mass starvation, and leave all these people open to the predation of the new flesh eaters spawned by Ushoran poisoning the water with his blood. WIN FOR THE FLESH EATERS.

So needless to say I think I made my point. Nothing can stop the ghouls. Everyone keeps fighting around them and causing mass carnage for themselves while the ghouls can just go "Oh neat more flesh and subjects!" and when the carnage is reversed it still benefits the courts! Frankly I expect all of this hilarious mayhem to eventually cause the ghouls to become the big bad of an edition through sheer inertia. Have they ever really had a true loss as a faction? I don't think they have. I think it's been hit after hit.

Anyway, I'm not sure this needed to be said but I like that I did. Have a nice night