Is extreme anxiety really capable of causing this?

I feel like I have been going crazy over the last 4 weeks. I was recently on upped from 10 mg to 20 mg Prozac during this period, but my psychiatrist has taken me off of them due to increased thoughts questioning every bit of reality and even my own existence. I’m now on day 2 of 25 mg Zoloft, but I wanted to share some of my symptoms and get insight as to whether it is possible this is caused by severe/constant anxiety, or if I should be worried about another underlying issue. I have recently started working with a psychiatrist and psychologist to navigate this whole ordeal, but wondering if I’m alone in this type of thinking.

Symptoms: - hyper aware of my own existence - hyper aware of my thoughts (thinking about me thinking instead of letting my thoughts flow) - constantly (almost 24/7) questioning aspects of reality/everyday life and overthinking literally every action I do and decision I make - people feel “strange” - Talking feels abnormal and distressing. Words seem weird and I’m surprised I’m able to still interpret and understand things. It feels very foreign. - feeling weird when I do literally any normal human thing because I feel like I am conforming to a false/ignorant reality like everyone else - unable to watch tv or videos because seeing people and people doing things feels weird -unable to focus on work or other normal things because it feels strange doing them -feeling like I am becoming dumb

This is literally the most distressed I have ever felt and I’m worried I’ll never go back to being ignorant to these thoughts and feeling normal and that I belong. I think of my newborn son and the fact that I might not be there for him and my wife because I’ve either gone crazy or harmed myself in some way to escape this feeling. I feel so hopeless and scared. I used to have confidence in things I did and considered myself somewhat intelligent, but now I feel like everything is slipping away. My therapist keeps trying to reassure me that this will pass and one day I’ll simply look back at this time as a difficult period of my life, but the idea of having normal, carefree thoughts again seems so impossible.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar to this before and is there actually hope? Any recommendations or advice are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.