weird craving for Meat after starting iron treatment?
I have a myriad of serious health issues, and now believe iron deficiency was at the core of them. I have had trouble getting any food down for the last few years, yet have put on 80 lbs of water weight (which, by the way, is very painful! edema actually Hurts!). Just Three weeks ago I finally did my own research and began 163mg daily of iron, with vitamin C, hours away from food. The first two weeks were brutal, but symptoms have slowly improved here and there--it comes and goes.
In three weeks, my ferritin went from 30 to 41, the greatest achievement of my life. It was 9 in 2023, and 9 for years before. Doctors did nothing at all, like for most people here.
What's WEIRD is that, some meals now I eat a regular portion, not a toddler portion I can barely get down. Sometimes I am too nauseous to eat, but here and there I am actually getting food down or feeling interested in food. It's like a miracle.
What's WEIRDEST, is that I keep craving beef and sometimes pork. What! I was never much of a meat fan. I love animals, I love the environment, and besides that I just never liked or enjoyed meat in general. But now, I find myself sitting around just thinking about meat, passively fantasizing about it. I don't want fast food burgers, I want homemade beef stew. Which makes me wonder if fast food meat has so many additives it isn't all that helpful, but homemade products have nutrition.
This is such a wild, unexpected change for me, as even swallowing the past few years has been excruciating. Digestion was like trying to process gravel and broken glass, even a watered down smoothie was hell.
I'm stunned at this strange development, and hope it is a good sign. I just feel this otherworldly hunger, a deep longing for, uh, dead animals. But this primal part of my brain, in this moment, is overriding all personal emotions and saying EAT THAT.
Anyone else experience this?
(I hope it passes in a few months, I don't want to eat animals, but for the short term I'll accept whatever my body will allow.)