My results! Ancestors lived mostly in southeast Alabama / Florida Panhandle
So I’m primarily English (UK) genetically.
Also no recent ancestors from the area, both my parents sides go back to the 1850s before I stopped adding.
I was expecting more Scot/Irish and German. I spoke to a couple of my Aunts and Uncles (maternal side) about their results before I tested my own DNA through Ancestry. I’m guessing my mom just didn’t get much from those regions and I got even less, lol.
My mother’s side is practically 80% red /blonde haired and I do carry the gene for red hair at least.
Overall I think it was fun to test and build my tree. No surprises so far, and barely any both sides matches. Only seven so far and they are all very distant matches.
And I’m pretty confident my children will have high England and Northwestern Europe results too.
I guess I should have a cuppa and some fish and chips to celebrate, just not at the same time.