AmEx Delta Branded vs. Non-Branded Amex Cards
I'm trying to decide if the branded AmEx cards are worth it. I currently have the Delta Reserve, which I honestly got for status, but I'm now realizing that was dumb for my needs.
I live in the Atlanta-area and am a Delta girl through and through, but I only fly once or twice a year. My real needs are points and cash back. I was looking at downgrading to the Delta Gold because the annual fee is cheaper, but should I consider the regular Amex Platinum instead? I'm having such a hard time figuring out what's the best in the long run. I also found out I don't get rideshare credit with the Delta Reserve, which I find really dumb. I rideshare occasionally, so I'm thinking if the Platinum is worth it over the gold. But do I get regular or Delta?
My brain is a mess trying to sort through this. Would love some feedback!