Child’s eye getting stronger but also weaker?
My five year old was diagnosed with amblyopia in July. We were able to get him in within a few days and his glasses (that he had received in March) were VERY off and he needed a much stronger prescription and patching (he went from a +.75 to a +4.75 in one eye for example, so there must have been errors in the first vision testing).
We have been patching 4 hours every single day since the second week in July. He doesn’t mind it at all, thankfully. However, things have gotten worse the past 2 months. I’ve noticed his strong eye cross at least twice (with glasses) and lately his weak eye stays crossed for a very long time after patching. At first (July/august), it would cross for about 5-10 mins after the patch was removed. Now it’s about 30 minutes. Tonight it’s been crossed for over an hour and a half.
We have seen his opthomolgist twice in the past 2 months. He can see his eyes are getting stronger, but it doesn’t align with the fact that we are seeing both his right eye weakening and his left eye seemingly weakening after the patch. We have been given permission to patch 3/4 days out of the week instead of 7, which we’ve just started. Without glasses, his eye crosses immediately. With glasses, he is fine unless he has removed the patch recently.
The plan is to slowly wean from the patch until 0 days a week when we are seen in March. He will be 6 in January.
Has anyone had a child seemingly go backwards but also forwards with the patch? We trust his dr, but I can’t lie that I’m a bit nervous seeing his eye stuck for over an hour tonight. The dr gave us an exercise to get his eye to refocus but so far no luck.