Aitk for ignoring my friend's call?

I, 22 F, was kind of bestfriends with this girl from my college ( also 22 F) . We had a really nice bonding and one of the main reasons for our understanding was that we both have similar family situations( eldest daughters of single mothers). I was and am always there for her whenever she needs me, was there for her when she lost her father, or when she had her breakups , no matter if she called me at 3 am or 3 pm, I always picked up her call and talked to her, never made her feel alone and made her special whenever I can. No matter what I was going through in my life, I'd always keep it on the side and try to be there for her if she needed me.

Now, last year I broke up with my boyfriend of 4+ years and it completely shattered me. I had nobody to talk to and felt completely alone, even if I tried to talk to her, most of the times she'd take side my boyfriend who she knows emotionally abused me for over a year. She had an exam after 3-4 days of my breakup and stayed at my place only, she gave her exam the first day and after that used to stay out all day with other people she barely knew. She left at 10 in the Morning and used to come back at night, I like a good host used to cook her breakfast and dinner, while she didn't even spend one day with me. Even when she came back at night she used to talk to a guy from the group of people she hung out in the morning. I used to feel bad a lot because of that but I didn't make a fuss about it. Even after this incident, I was there for her when she had her falling outs with other people.

Cut to the time she got into a relationship in this January and got selected for a group C govt job in March, her behaviour towards me changed for the worse. Now she wouldn't even pick up my call for days even when I would text her saying that I'm in a bad space and I want to talk to her( mind you she still has joined the job, is at her home and completely free). She started putting me down everytime saying stuff like while she made good use of everything and got into a job, while I did nothing and wasted my time( she said this when I failed the prelims of one of the hardest exams of india, and that too by a very close margin) . She judges me all the time on my dressing, and my looks and says stuff like guys only like girls like her and view her as marriage material while I'm the kind of girl nobody would want see as a wife( mind you I'm not even looking for someone to marry me at the time). At that time I already had very low self esteem and so couldn't answer her back but her treatment got worse. Now she calls only when she wants to rant and that too at times like 12 am and would rant till 5 am , when she clearly knows that I have to sleep by 11:30 max or my sleep schedule gets ruined. I was trying to call her and talk to her for the last 1.5 months as I was in a really bad space but she wouldn't respond back, but BUT she used to text me on WhatsApp sometimes reminding me to use her wishlink if in order anything online. Now after 1.5 months, she called me a few times and got furious when I didn't pick it up and sent me weird messages. Aitk here?