AITA for confronting a mother who was encouraging her kid to throw a water balloon at me
Hi, so this basically happened yesterday when I (21F) was coming home from college. I was with my friend, and we were discussing something when I felt a splash beside me, and some water splashed on my pants. I looked up and saw a woman and a kid trying to hide from our view. I was furious because it's not even Holi yet, so why are they throwing water balloons at random strangers, especially those coming home from work or college? I knocked on their door. They didn’t answer at first, but I kept on knocking. Then the mother appeared and asked me why I was knocking nonstop. I asked her why she was encouraging her kid to throw water balloons at strangers. She just said, "So what? It's Holi." I replied, "It's not Holi yet, and what if we had important documents in our bags?" I kept arguing with her until she closed the door in my face.
My friend told me that I overreacted, but I don’t think I did.