AITA for calling myself a “Single Mom?”

Throwaway: I (30F) am the mother of a beautiful little girl (7F). When my daughter was about 1, I discovered that her father had been cheating on me. We ended up separating and he fled the state in order to avoid paying child support. No one in our social circle has heard from him ever since. Even though the whole situation was devastating, I have an amazing family that has been there for me every step of the way.

Since my ex boyfriend was the sole breadwinner and fled without any warning, I had to start providing for me and my daughter. Luckily, my parents let me and daughter stay with them rent free until I could get back on my feet. My parents are very rich, so I understand I had a lot of privileges that most mothers in my position don't have. For the past 4 years, my daughter and I have been happily living together in an apartment. I work full time at a nursing home and my daughter is thriving at her school.

Onto the issue: I recently created a new FB Account after a few of my coworkers forced me to, lol. On my FB account, I've posted several pics of me and my daughter. I also describe myself as a happy and devoted single mom. I honestly never thought there was anything wrong/misleading with this description. I am a single mother and have been for several years.

One of my coworkers (who is also a single mother) took great offense to my FB bio. She texted me a couple days ago and started going off on me. She said that I had "no right to claim that I'm a single mother, when I've never had to deal with the hardships that come along with the title." I was really confused and pissed. I explained that I am a single mother and she has no idea what I've gone through over the years.

She snapped back: "Have you ever had to sacrifice a meal so your child could eat? No! Have you ever had to beg and panhandle for measly sums of change to buy diapers? No! Have you ever had to rely on government assistance, only to walk away with some food stamps? No! Have you ever cried yourself to sleep night after night, terrified that your lights were gonna be shut off? No! None of that happened to you because you had Mommy and Daddy's money to bail you out every step of the way! You don't know what being a single mother is really like, so quit fucking acting like you do!!”

I was really shaken up by what my coworker said. I still don't think calling myself a single mom is inappropriate in any way, but…now I'm not so sure. AITA?