
Thank you everyone for caring enough to tell me to leave and that I wasn’t over reacting. I just want to add a bit more context for people who were calling me stupid and that it must be rage bait and I must not love myself

I’ve known him for years and we used to have a little fling 2 years ago but hadn’t spoken in like a year until he reached out on new years. We’ve been together since the start of January and actually dating since the end so it is closer to 2 months then 1.

For the whole choking thing I said “like 3 mins” and I was up until 6am thinking about all these situations and I’d say it was closer to a minute then 3 so I’m sorry about the over exaggeration. And the bending of my hands and arms would happen when I’d say something like “stfu” in a playful manner and then he’d do it (in what i thought was playful) and be like “say sorry say sorry” or something along that type of scenario which now that im reading it sounds insane but when it was happening it didn’t seem that bad

I broke up with him over text today by telling him I don’t want a relationship and we rushed into this too fast (cause he can’t really argue with the fact I don’t want a relationship) he just said I led him on and wasted his time and all that kinda shit then he blocked me out of anger (which he always did in the relationship anyway) so I blocked him back before he got the chance to unblock me and try texting me later