AIO My Boyfriend is Addicted to Family Guy
I know how this sounds, but I need serious advice.
My boyfriend (26M) and I (24F) have been together for almost two years. In the beginning, things were great. He was funny, thoughtful, and honestly one of the most caring people I’ve ever dated. He’s always been a fan of adult animation, The Simpsons, South Park, and yeah, Family Guy, but it was just a normal interest at first.
But over the last year, it’s like Family Guy has become his entire personality.
At first, it was little things, throwing in a Stewie or Peter quote during conversations, watching the show in the background while we cooked dinner. I didn’t think much of it. It was his comfort show.
But then it got worse.
Now it’s the only thing he watches. I mean only. If we’re hanging out, Family Guy is on. If he’s playing video games, it’s playing on his second monitor. He falls asleep to those “Best of Peter Griffin” YouTube compilations every night. If I suggest watching a movie or literally anything else, he sighs and says something like, “Ugh, fine, Lois,” or “You’re being such a Meg right now.”
It’s not just the quotes, it’s how deeply it’s affecting him.
A few weeks ago, we were at the grocery store and he started doing the voice, like, Peter’s voice, loudly, as a joke. Saying stuff like, “Oh boy, Lois, look at all these freakin’ sweet deals.” People were staring. I asked him to stop but he just laughed and said I was “killing the bit.”
I tried talking to him about it calmly. I told him it felt like the show was bleeding into real life too much, that I missed just talking to him without everything being a joke or reference. He just said, “Relax, Stewie, it’s just a little Family Guy humor,” and brushed it off.
But last week, this is where I started seriously questioning everything.
We were talking about the future, where we’d want to live, what our goals were. I brought up wanting to stay near my family and maybe move somewhere with better job opportunities. He was quiet for a bit and I thought we were finally having a real conversation.
Then he said:
“What if we moved to Rhode Island?”
I laughed, thinking he was joking. But he wasn’t.
He started explaining, seriously, how it would be cool to live near Providence because that’s where Family Guy is set. He said we could explore the places that inspired the show and how it would feel like “living in Quahog.” He even pulled up Zillow and showed me houses.
When I asked if he was seriously basing our future around Family Guy, he just shrugged and said, “I mean, it’s a nice area… and it’d be funny.”
I didn’t even know what to say.
Since then, I’ve felt this huge disconnect. It’s like the lines between reality and the show are blurring for him. It’s not just a funny cartoon anymore, it’s shaping how he talks, how he acts, and now, even how he thinks about the future.
I don’t want to be cruel but I feel like I’m dating a parody of him. Every serious moment gets undercut by some Family Guy reference. Every time I try to bring up something important, he turns it into a bit.
I haven’t responded to his texts since last night. I needed space.
So am I overreacting? Is this something I should try harder to work through or is it time to cut my losses?
Because honestly, I don’t know if I can spend my life in Rhode Island with “Peter Griffin.”