If Romania got the German treatment after WW2
Lore: In this universe Romania switched sides earlier,in 1943 (date:17.09.1943). The Romanians fought the Hungarians and sent intel to the Soviets. After the war ended Romania as given the German treatment. Moldova,Bucovina,Basarabia became a socialist republic with Transnistria added to it to “diversify”-Stalin. The population of the region. While The other core territories of Romania became democratic republic. The capital of West Romania was Cluj and the capital of east Romania was Iași. București was split between the allies and the USSR. Western Romania adopted a unique way of governing. The president had 76% of the power,The prime minister had 14% of the power and the rest had 10% of the power. The president would rule for 7 years. The first president of Western Romania would be Constantin Sănătescu. He won only by 1% more then Iuliu Maniu. Eastern Romania however got Petru Groza with force. West Romania was in the Marshall plan,it benefited from American economic aid and in 1949 Western Romania was a founding member of NATO. In it’s first years of existance,the west of Romania focused on rebuilding under the Maniu project. In 1951 the rebuilding of Romania was finished and soon after the developing of Romania started. The prime minister of western Romania was Iuliu Maniu and he helped a lot in the rebuilding of Romania. Meanwhile in the east Romania suffered economic hardship,population losses and famines. Petru Groza adopted Stalinist ideas and applied them. Eastern romania had a brutal industrialization while western Romania had a more slower but better and more efficient transition to industrialization. In 1955 western Romania had a population of 21.7 million and East Romania 5.8 million