Woke up on the first and decided to start ADF.

I posted on intermittent fasting about my plans and was advised to post here.

I went in for a yearly checkup with the VA and when I stepped on the scale and saw 177... I was so disappointed. Ate out all the time after I left the service so I wasn't shocked. A few months went by and I hovered at 175 naturally.

On the first I hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch and I got curious about fasting. I saw some notion about not eating for a day and then eating the next. I decided to just... start doing that. Today is my third 24 hour fast with every day following eating. I've taken my diet more seriously, but honestly the biggest thing is just the prioritization of cooking for myself.

It's day 5 and my lowest weight has been 170. I'm a 68 inch tall dude in his early 20s. I do feel relatively strong urges to eat, but even with my wife maintaining her regular OMAD-like diet I haven't had an issue resisting breaking the regimen.

I will admit I am a little spooked that I may be doing something horrible to my body somehow, someway. My diet will mostly consist of chicken, rice, beef, broccoli, bananas, strawberries, etc. on fruits. I understand that rice and weight loss aren't best friends, but I'm perfectly fine with accepting the cons that come with eating white rice in a meal. I'm certain that I'd rather deal with the cons in weight loss efforts than cut out white rice completely. I've heard some things about electrolyte concerns, and how pickles/pickle juice is a good solution. Sodium is a concern with that.

I've been pretty strict on absolutely 0 calories skipping even my 20 calorie multivitamin or any caloric drink like gatorade for electrolytes. I feel like this has helped with the 5 pounds I've lost, but I'm aware that's well within water weight bounds so I'm not really sure how to approach that. On days that I eat the highest I would weigh in at is 172, and drop down to 171 that same night.

TLDR I woke up on the first and went nuclear with an ADF regimen, is what I'm doing a massive health risk, and if it is what can I do to mitigate?

I have no symptoms aside from hunger so far, which I can ignore without issue. I just keep myself busy if I feel the urge to eat and I avoid prolonged sights of food.