How do you set up your camera hotkeys? I'm struggling to find a good layout.


I figure I should really start using camera hotkeys rather than scrolling around or clicking the minimap.

The default "F" keys are a bit far for me and always felt like a big reach that moved my hands off the main keys. This could (and has) result in some misclicks in urgent situations as I fumble to find my home keys.

I am currently trying ViBE's recommendation, where Q, W, and E are used for the camera.

My God. I am struggling, lol.

First off, it's just weird getting used to them; but more importantly I think at least 20 other keybinds had to be changed (across all races - but Terran definitely got hit the hardest). Anything that was Q, W, or E was a conflict and it applied across units, buildings, and actions. I think SC2 nearly had a stroke when I added Q, W, and E to the "return to location" camera keys.

I understand things like this take some time to adapt to but it's so invasive for the other hotkeys I'm wondering if there's a less destructive option.

So, what are you guys doing?

Thanks in advance!