Feeling a little weird about my trip with Ben (20f/53M)

So, the vacation to Tahoe was amazing. The weather was a little eh, but we did have a great time. I got to meet a lot of really interesting people that Ben knew. I also got to meet his son Jason (25M) and his fiancée Evelyn (25F). Jason looks a lot like Ben when he was younger, and I got to make the joke that I got the original model.

What has me a little confused, is that when we got back Ben handed me an envelope. It was full of cash. He said he knew that I had missed out on three days of work to come with him, and he knew I was sweating bills this month because of it. He didn’t want me to worry.

I know he didn’t just “buy me” for the weekend, and he was just worried about me being able to pay my bills. But it just kind of made the weekend feel weird afterwards, you know? I don’t want to have a talk with him, because I know it wasn’t malicious. And I did need the money. He’s more perceptive than I give him credit for, he kind of knows my tells when I am worried about something.

I guess I just need advice maybe? Should IO talk with him about it? I don’t want to hurt his feelings.