FIX: Older extensions not working with After Effects 2022

Some Adobe extensions that worked in older AE versions won't work with newer AE 2022 & higher. In order to fix this, all you need to do is:

  • Go to your extension folder (located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions" or "C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions" — Use the second one if you don't have admin access)
  • In your extension folder, locate the folder named "CSXS".
  • Inside it, you'll see a "manifest.xml" file. Open it in Notepad & find 'Execution Environment' section in the xml code. It'll look something like this :

            <Host Name="AEFT" Version="[14.0,19.0]" />
            <Locale Code="All" />
            <RequiredRuntime Name="CSXS" Version="6.0" />

  • All you have to do is just select this exact section and replace it with the following:

        <!-- AfterEffects -->
        <Host Name="AEFT" Version="[15.0,99.9]" />

        <Locale Code="All" />
        <RequiredRuntime Name="CSXS" Version="9.0" />

  • We're only changing the version numbers, you can only just update the version nos as shown in the above text instead of copy/replacing the whole code section of "Execution Environment" (---->This is preferred)
  • Now save the file as xml on your desktop (because you'll likely won't have necessary permissions to save it there).
  • Copy & replace this modified 'manifest.xml' from your desktop to the same "CSXS" folder of the extension
  • Restart After Effects 2022/2023
  • Now you'll see the extension in the 'Window' menu as usual.
  • Follow this comment for Windows or this comment for Mac if the above procedure is not working properly / extension shows up in AE but not loading/blank.

Note: Make sure you don't touch the other code in the XML!!!

If this works for you, please upvote so that it can reach other people. This could save a lot of unfinished projects.

Tested & working on Windows 10 & 11.

Similar method could 'theoretically' work on MacOS. If you do try it, let us know in the comments below

Edit 1: Post updated for After Effects 2023 & future versions.