Help me dial in my coffee ritual
I will soon get my brand new Timemore S3 grinder. Before going down the rabbit hole with y’all, I want to make do with what I have and train my palette and build a coffee making ritual. I will be using an aero press to brew my coffee because that’s all I have for now. I will graduate to pour overs one day, but not yet. I need your help:
Please share your aero press recipes and if you have an S3, the grinder settings you use. When you do, I’d be grateful if you explain it to me like I’m 5. I’m not quite there yet with the lingo and I don’t want to google every time like I do when I read NBA stats.
Teach me how to ensure my grinder lasts a long while. Cleaning tips, frequency, dos and don’ts etc.
Suggestions on where I can order reasonably priced sampler packs of beans. I’m based out of the US.
What exactly does resting do? How long must I rest beans? The thought of not being to rip through a shiny new pack of beans with all those delicious descriptors right away sounds like torture to me.
Thank you all for your help.