how do i make friends asap
i'm so fucking lonely. ive been in such a shit mood all the time because of it and im a huge introvert so it's ten times harder. i just started at a new school and no matter how hard i try cant keep a conversation going long enough for any friendships or even acquaintances to form. i volunteer, i do a sport, and i have a job, yet i probably talk to less than three people a week (not counting customers at work) and its absolutely miserable. today i just broke down crying after skating practice because im so lonely, i tried to talk to the only girl who ive even had a conversation with at my rink, and she was with a group of friends. they look at me, one of them gives me a compliment and when i reply with a quiet thankyou they burst out laughing because apparently the fact that i thought they thought i was actually kind of pretty is just so fucking funny. im just done really, i have no one. im turning seventeen this year and i havent even had my first kiss yet, i havent had a genuine friend in years and i dont know how much longer i can deal with this bs