My friend keeps screaming out my insecurities in class and Iam not sure what to do
This might seem a little silly but this female friend of mine keeps screaming/yelling out what makes me "ugly" (gentle reminder:to anyone who has the fascial features mentioned later on, this is her opinion and having these features do not make you ugly , I personally think I look hot asf with these features). This has happened on multiple occasions, and it happened again this morning , context :I was saying how another girl looked like a bunny or something like that when she started to yell , "不想你眼睛又小,鼻子又遍" which directly translate to "not like you , small eyes and even a flat nose" then went on about how my lips are too dark , balding head 💀 , thinking I'll look Cooler after getting lots of piercings when in reality I still look like shit , a navel piercing still doesn't help either , dyed my hair to look better and no one noticed . This was all in Chinese btw so i might not have gotten the tone right , she then laughs and says she's really talented in bullying , Iam not sure if Iam upset because of how embarassing having someone yell out my appearance like a mad man or that she hit a nerve , forgot to mention i had a time in my life where I hated my face to the point of not eating the whole day just so I didn't need to take off my mask (2019-2023) I have come a long way and I know Iam more then enough by my own standard. So not sure if Iam upset cus she knew how insecure I was and still decided to yell out what she thinks iam insecure about, I feel disrespected , it seems like a joke to her . So , if I do talk it out with her what should I say ?