My Toddler is realizing they don’t have a dad.. how do i go about this?

My 2yr olds father left when she was 6 months however my brother has been like a father figure to her but she calls him uncle. well she started daycare and sees the other kids getting picked up by “dad” or “daddy” so now when my brother picks her up he gets called daddy and when i get her from him tears are shed and crying, calling out for her “daddy”. i’ve talked to her about how that’s uncle not daddy but i feel like it’s very confusing?? how do i go about letting her know that her dad isn’t around but that her uncle is like a dad? but that she calls him uncle? help im at a loss D:

EDIT/UPDATE i have told her daycare to call him uncle and they said they have been! She calls him uncle and sometimes daddy and i have talked to my family and they said they’ll help direct her! i totally don’t mind her calling him daddy at all i just want her to understand that that’s her uncle who is similar to a dad. thank you all soooo much for the advice i will definitely use all of it!