I think my business partner fundamentally does not understand me
I've been working with a business partner for about 16 months now, and we have never really had any major issues before the last two months.
I have been extremely clear from Day 1 that there is one specific topic I will NEVER be willing to work with/on because in the past I have received death threats over it. No amount of money will ever be worth getting phone calls at 3 am telling me someone is outside my house and is going to kill me and my family.
The last few weeks, she has been pushing me almost daily to start working on some new stuff involving this topic. I have reiterated multiple times, that this is in fact a hill I am more willing to die on, and I will not be doing it. I have said that if she wants to do it, she can, but to leave my name off of anything to do with it.
She asked me again about it yesterday (on my day off) and forwarded me an email from a 'customer' requesting it this morning (It is 9:30 AM at the moment). How else do I tell her that this topic is completely off-limits for me and it is absolutely not happening? I feel like she is fundamentally misunderstanding me at this point.