My plug got arrested and I think the cops might be onto me. Am I good? and if not what the fuck do I do?

So recently my plug got arrested on having a gun as a felon, a DUI, hit and run, and possession. After he got caught 8 years ago with a fuck ton of everything under the sun (I know he’s dumb as shit). One of my buddies told me he got sentenced to 2 years for this incident which I’m not surprised by because this man’s parents are fairly wealthy and have money for a good lawyer (probably why he wasn’t still in jail when I met him) but like 3 weeks ago I hit him up for shrooms cuz I didn’t know about this until like 4 days after it happened and recently it showed up as read in my messages, so 1 of 3 things is happening. 1 he’s snuck a phone into jail, 2 his parents have his phone and are reading his shit, or 3 the cops are watching the people who hit him up for shit. If the 3rd thing is what’s happening I’m scared to death, because I’ve been to the JDC and don’t wanna go back there, and I’m already on probation so if I get violated I am so fucked because I’m on a felony case and if I don’t do my probation right I’m gonna live the rest of my life as a felon. The only reason why I’m not gonna be a convicted felon already is because somehow the juvenile justice system caught me a break. So please tell me what I gotta do