How do people afford to live anywhere while making $15/hr??

Hi, sorry if this sounds like a rant and please delete if I'm breaking any rules, but I'm genuinely wondering how anybody in the US can afford to live (especially alone) making $15.

I live in Pennsylvania where the minimum wage is a shameful $7.25/hr so one would think my full time retail salary of $15/hr would at least be liveable here, but the housing/renting market has gotten so out of hand I don't think I'll be able to move out of my mom's apartment anytime in the near future.

I know the best solution is probably to just go back to school/find a better job but I feel like anyone working full time hours should be able to at least rent a one-bedroom apartment (honestly I'd settle for a studio if necessary). It's just frustrating because I keep putting money into my savings every paycheck but I feel like it will never be enough.

I guess I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips for a 23 y/o trying to get their own place and if there are any more affordable regions on the East Coast to consider?

Thanks for reading, again my apologies if this was too long/all over the place, and tia for any advice/relatable experiences.