For those whose alcoholic parents died, how old were they?
Curious when your alcoholic parent died. I'm 38 and my parents are pretty young, 66 and 61. I've disassociated lot with my father especially, though I still make time to see him when I am in town (I live abroad).
I didn't think he would make it this long to be honest. I keep telling myself I can keep putting in the effort and flying me and my baby around. I know I can draw boundaries but there are many other family members around who we see and it is very worth it. I just know that when he passes I will probably never go back to that town because it is painful.
For clarity, my father loves me very much and is never a mean drunk or anything. He just struggles and to take care of his mental health I have had to accept he won't be what I want him to be and he made his choice to choose alcohol over me. Still a good person deep down and I could never cut him out.