
This is probably just a rant, but I am feeling so exceptionally discouraged by the system.

We conducted our homestudy back in August (all paperwork complete and visit), at that time we clearly articulated we were open to 1-2 children 0-4.5 (keeping our bio daughter oldest). The hs agency agreed keeping our bio daughter oldest made sense and explained it is very rare that 1-4 years old become available for adoption. The hs/social worker excluded adoption from foster care, which we explained we were open to. I then had a phone call with an orgqanization that is a nonprofit and supports searching for children available for adoption from foster care who said "you guys sound great, lets work together!" only to be discouraged from proceeding after we paid hundreds of dollars to engage with them. Is everything a fucking scam for money? IS anyone in this for the right reasons?

Fast forward 6 months and I get a call discouraging me from looking at heart gallieries, that those children have behavioral issues, that our hs would need revised and we don't even have the necessary training (fucking news to us). We were simultaneously interested in supporting the state by becoming respite foster parents.

So now I am having to take / retake training, revise our homestudy, and feeling shamed for being interested in foster children. Why is the system like this?

Also I am a federal employee so probably just pissed off because of life. I trust noone and I am most heartbroken for the children left behind.