Can someone please help me to figure out how adoption can be a good thing? *slight vent

I’ve been checking out this sub over the past few weeks after deciding that adoption is probably the best route for us.

Some background: I always thought I might adopt/felt a call to adopt/would want to adopt. I love children. My entire childhood was spent thinking about how I longed to be a mother and how I would always make my child/children feel loved, valued, appreciated, and how I would make sure they knew their worth and how smart they are, beautiful the are, funny they are, kind they are, important they are, etc. I knew I wanted to have biological children if I could, and also adopt, because I looked at adoption as also a way to give a kid a family that REALLY wants them to be there and can give that kid a good life. I would say I always felt a calling to adopt.

I am a teacher (currently home with my daughter though, as I had a hard time leaving her to go back and am aware that I was very lucky to be able to make that choice). I’ve had several students who were adoptees. A few of them I did not know this until conferences. One of them was a black girl who was with a white family. That little girl was SO loved and SO beautifully taken care of. Her family was amazing. Her family was white, and sometimes she struggles with that. I always told my students if you ever really need to talk to me just give me a signal and we can go talk right outside the classroom door. She called me more than anyone in all my years teaching, and would sometimes just cry and open up about her struggles with being adopted. She would explain how much she loved her family, but I think she felt discarded — like she didn’t understand why her bio parents didn’t want her.

I know this maybe should make me feel the opposite? But for some reason it made me want to adopt even more, even though I knew the struggles. I think bc I felt like where would she be if she hasn’t been adopted? When I would talk to her mom it was clear the little girl didn’t actually bring adoption up to her much, which I thought was interesting. *I want to add that this girl was 1 of only 2 black children in the whole grade — so I think she struggled with that as well.

Several years later I had my little girl. I thought I would have a 2nd bio child, and possibly adopt a 3rd, maybe even 4th.

But personal trauma got in the way, then came health issues, and then mental health issues.

I’m so thankful that it’s now been 2 years that I am mentally clear and feel a lot better physically. But I don’t know what another pregnancy would do to my body. Also, I am older now. I am newly 40, which is crazy for me to even say. I thought I would have all my children by now.

I am eternally thankful for my bio child. She is the best little girl you could possibly imagine, and honestly, she would be the freaking best big sister ever. This child would be so lucky to have her, and vice versa.

I don’t think I can have another bio and would love to adopt. But I want to do it the right way. I’m a little worried from this group that there is no right way? Yet in real life, my friends who were adopted all have insanely happy and fulfilled lives. So I’m confused.

I guess I’m just looking for advice on if you think there’s a certain way to adopt — and certain way not to — and what would lead to doing it the best way for the child? I want the child to have the best possible outcome. I want them to know how loved they are, but also feel secure.

I do believe that the child should always be able to have access to their bio parents’ information. I don’t think it’s right to take anything away from them that is important to them as a human. I can’t imagine always not knowing where I “came” from.

If you need any information on my family besides what I said: My husband thankfully has a very good job and I guess we are “upper middle class.” I work two side jobs on my own schedule from home. One involves teaching and is thankfully quite lucrative — I make resources for other teachers so it’s more passive income and I’m able to not work if I need to when we have another child. Unless of course I need to work - then I have that option.

My husband and I have been together since we were teenagers. While we have had our struggles with what we went though, we go through it all together and are best friends. He’s the actual best dad ever and is insanely hands-on and is extremely pro-women and against gender rolls. He’s a really good one. And he doesn’t care how we have a child, he just wants one also.

My family is basically an extension of us and we are very close and they are super giving.

We are inclusive of EVERYONE, and despise what is going on in America right now.

We have a dog who we love very much. Lol.

I’m very emotional right now so just venting and want to know if there’s a chance we can adopt in a way that it IS as good of a think as we thought it was.