Advice for adoptive parents

My wife and long ago decided to have a bio child, and adopt one. I have known people who grew up in the system, and we believed we could provide a life of love and opportunity for one kid who otherwise wouldn’t have it. Now my natural daughter is 6.

Reading this forum, I’m discouraged. We have had a baby for 4 months, since birth. Mom (34) is a meth addict, and has lost 6 kids to the system or their different dads. She was meth positive through pregnancy, at birth, as was the baby. 2 potential fathers are in prison, the other may be dead. Mom had popped dirty 9 times during the reunification attempt with CPS, so based on the history, it looks like our adoption has a high chance of happening.

We love this baby. But I see so many issues that come into this forum with adoptees:

1). Culture: My family is white/Native American(wife and daughter), and she is Mexican, but we are in CA. Our closest friends are Mexican, and my daughter says she has 3 abuelas because of that. We travel to rural Jalisco every year for fiesta.

2). Contact: we will always allow contact with birth mom, unless it seems like it is having a negative effect. Then what do we do? I would think always allow her to decide about contact.

I guess I am trying to understand the potential psych effects I could have to deal with. Our intentions have always been to do anything for our children. My bio daughter loves her sister, and knows she will never be treated differently. They will both have our support for every sport, music lesson, play date, etc. And we will provide the financial resources for them both to start their lives at any college they want to go to, or help them move in another direction if their aptitude is not academic. And they will both have our undying support and love, regardless of anything.

It is mind boggling to me, that there is a binary choice.

1). Be raised by an adoptive family that will raise and love you the same as their other daughter. Get Disneyland or whatever you want for birthdays. Travel with us, which our family loves to do. Hell, my 6 y/o daughter has travelled to 16 countries and 11 states.

2). Be with birth mom. She is is tied in with the Hispanic gangs, hence how 2 of the potential birth fathers were back in prison within months of conception of the baby, and are getting DNA tested there.

As I see it…with us, she will live an upper middle class life, with education, sports and her aptitudes being encouraged to grow. She will know she is loved unconditionally as part of our family.

With her birth mom, she would be subject to violence (there was a kidnapping attempt of mom during pregnancy), drugs, gangs, etc. She would have a very tiny chance to escape that life.

Any advice, from adoptees, or adopters?