Minimum size for treatment


Just wondering whether anyone has had treatment on their AN whilst it's still very small? Mine was 3mm when diagnosed in Feb last year and has apparently grown to 6.5mm, it's still in the IAC but has already cost me my entire hearing in my left ear and have had several bouts of vertigo.

I ask because i'm getting to the stage now where I just want to get on with my life as best I can and not be wondering whether each symptom I face is due to the AN and how long it's going to last. I quite regularly feel mildly sick with a tension headache behind my left eye and just want to go to bed, it's not bad enough to be debilitating it's just enough to stop me doing things that I enjoy doing!

I'm in the UK and from what the ENT has told me the treatment plans are usually geared to W&W as long as possible unlike other countries who might be more eager to treat and get it sorted early doors. Mine is still relatively small but I feel like I've hit the absolute jackpot when it comes to combination of symptoms this early on! My hearing in that ear went from mostly okay to gone in a matter of days and has been gone ever since, so I've been referred for a CROS hearing aid.

Being that I've already lost my hearing, is there anything stopping me asking to go down the radiotherapy route? I'm 27 so hopefully my recovery wouldn't be too terrible as the nerve in that ear is dead already, but the specialist said best to wait until symptoms are really bad as it swells the nerve and tumour. However i'd much rather just get it sorted and be able to look past this to some extent than spend the next decade wondering how long i've got until I need surgery or treatment!

Thanks in advance to any responses, would be really keen to hear any advice/similar stories as it's a very isolating feeling. Friends/family aren't sure how to react as I'm fairly upbeat about it most days but sometimes it does get me down