Second opinion recs

I’m a 23F, recently diagnosed with a 0.5cm acoustic neuroma. I suffer from sudden hearing loss in my right ear, constant tinnitus in that started in right ear but now spread to left ear. My right ear is a loud high pitch ringing and my left here is lower, quieter ringing. Migraines and TMJ.

I recently saw a neurosurgeon at Jefferson in Philly and my next steps with him are to get an MRI in a few months to gauge its growth rate to determine if radiation or surgery would be best.

I had an appointment at Penn Medicine but I found out today they don’t take my insurance and I don’t have out of network benefits. Feeling a bit defeated because I’m exhausted.

With that being said, anyone have recommendations for a second opinion? Also, has anyone experienced similar symptoms? If so, how have you managed them?