Are old Magnalite pots safe to use?

Hey friends! I got a set of magnalite pots and roasters from my grandparents that I absolutely love to use. Since they are old they aren't in perfect condition, and it has me wondering if they are safe. They have some light marks and scruffs, no deep pitting or anything.

I have heard rumors that cooking with a magnesium aluminum alloy could be dangerous, with aluminum being found in higher amounts in the brains of alziemers patients. Is there any true danger to this, or are there any real articles out there that say these pots may increase this danger?

I haven't found any actual articles online that tell me one way or another about magnalites being safe. What I DID find was a cool fact about how Frank Lloyd Wright had a say in the final design of the roasters. Very sleek and stylish!

Do y'all still use your old magnalites with any scratches or pitting? Any thoughts?