Why Absolute Superman has been my favorite

So this is just my opinion and my thoughts but so far, absolute Superman has been my favorite read where for some people it would be their last. Not that Absolute Batman and Wonderwoman are bad, actually they are very close together but for some reason I gravitate to Superman.

I mention it on a precious comment, but I think that this title for me shows the whole 'Hope is the Underdog' idea than the others. Gotham in Batman is just Gotham with the way that city is in the main universe, Despite where she grew up Diana, still has a loving mother and found a bunch of friends that with go along with her, but not so much for Superman. In the present title, the last of his kind that remembers the destruction of his planet, in a world so similar to his own with how they treat the lower class. With nothing but a computer and armor from his fallen world, he is alone.

Another reason is how the aspects of his personality from the the main universe are presented here in the story as well. In the main universe, Superman in his disguise always portrays himself as a bit of a meek, quiet and weak person growing up, this was his actual personality and life on Kyptron, being the smallest kid, a quiet one that the teacher had to call to raise up and being so week to fight for himself. That experience really emphasize the fight for the people here on earth cause he has been there before.

Lastly the age he was seeing his planet destroyed. Not too young to forget, not too properly digest this information, now a man that has a weight of the world in shoulder now all alone. With everyone having an expectation of him; peacemakers- a danger, Omega men- a weapons, the people- deliverance. But the end, he is not that but just a man a Superman, but a man who has suffered a lot and is questioning why he must hope.

Sorry if it is too long but this is really how I feel for the story and the character.

Tl:dr : His personality, circumstances and situation are quite intriguing and he is still the same just under a bit more stress.