To You 2000…or…20000 Years From Now…Theory

Hello everyone!

So I've had this theory brewing in my mind for a while since listening to To You 2000…or…20000 Years From Now…

At the end of it we hear Eren say: 2000 years…or perhaps…to you, 20000 Years later…

One could assume from this that it merely is a reference to the cycle of Hatred continuing for a long time. If taken literally however, I know people have thought it could refer to Paradis after all that time since it looked so advanced however I had another idea.

If it was 2000 years since Ymir to Eren, once could assume that one timeloop or when we see a new timeline, it would have reoccurred that 2000 years of history. Effectively, 2000 years till Eren and the tree. If taken like this, 20000 years would refer to 10 timeloops.

I also noticed 845 has electricity glowing around it kind of like how when Eren uses the founders power

Another idea popped in my head, ironically, Mikasa's head...aches. How many of them are there throughout the series? I counted 7:


When Hannes saved them from DIna's titan, Mikasa gets a (throbbing) headache


When Mikasa is asked or remembering what she went through, another (throbbing) headache


When Eren was eaten, she gets another (throbbing) headache which I believe is also the point Mikasa's OVA begins


This alludes to Mikasa's headache being due to the injury

However this panel proves that it was something else as she said, this again, also same throbbing written characters as other panels


Armin's \"death\" another (throbbing) headache


Mikasa and Louise talking in the prison, another (throbbing) headache


Chapter 139, A Long Dream, another (throbbing) headache

Now after these, if we take the manga and then the Anime-Manga (Ani-Manga) as separate timelines as part of the theories we subscribe to, then we reach 9. The missing 10th would be AoE or at this rate, MoE or GoE or whatever else xD

I would take the Ani-Manga as a separate timeline due to the path talk differences, the biggest being that I don't remember Eren saying that Armin would be the savior like in the manga, rather saying the cycle will carry on which is huge, also Paradis being different at the end. Additionally the Falco being seen when Eren enters paths and also the cabin in the 138 anime scene; I believe this could relate to Falco technically having Zeke's royal spinal fluid and Mikasa being on him at the time of entering that timeline.

Personally, this means Eren did see the manga ending which he would simply take as the future, nothing more. In which, Paradis is destroyed eventually and Armin failed; for now. How did he see this? Probably Beren is my guess which is why Isayama added him in. Or Falco is involved somehow.

Either way, 10 possible timelines leading to 20000 years.

As an additional sidenote.

When Eren got a (throbbing) headache here, he obtained/unlocked/remembered a little of when Grisha injected him. Obviously not a timeline but a throbbing could mean an indicator of when a memory is viewed. Giving credence to the Long Dream being a memory, in which case a timeline, even more.