AITAH? Girlfriend will not let me take overnight guys trip
I’ve been dating this girl for 6 years. (23M, 24F) 3 of my buddies are taking a trip to St. Louis Friday night, and coming back Saturday afternoon. I wanted to go because these are my best friends and they are moving back to Oregon pretty soon. My girlfriend is telling me one of her boundaries is that I don’t take overnight trips with friends. I explained to her it makes no sense for me to drive 5 hours just to turn around and come back the same day. She also told me I shouldn’t have any friends that are single anyways.AITAH for insisting on going?
Edit: I should’ve mentioned this. I smoked weed with these guys 6 months ago. I haven’t since, I even took a drug test to prove so. I believe this is where her not wanting me to stay the night comes from.