AITA for being upset my boyfriend keeps getting things I want?
So the title basically says it. My (30F) boyfriend (38M) of 6 years has 3 times in the last few months bought himself something I've expressed wanting. This are not shareable things. I've been talking about wanting a new laptop for about a year, he went out and bought himself one randomly. I started talking about wanting the new Kindle and a couple months later, he bought himself one. Then today, after I've been talking about getting a new phone for about 6 months, he went and got the exact one that I've been saying I want. We both work, similar hours but he makes considerably more than me. He insists is a nearly 50% split of everything and wants our finances completely separated. He said that I should just be grateful for what I have and save up like he does, but after bills and groceries and things for our 4 year old (which I almost exclusively buy) I don't have much left. He has hundreds left every check. He suggested I stop getting my nails done to save money, which I pay 60$ for once a month and is literally the only thing I do for myself, because he's not going to buy things for me and isn't going to pay more bills. So unbiased users of Reddit, AITA for being upset about this?
Edit: I didn't include this because I didn't think it was relevant, but BF is an amazing dad and is great with our 4 year old. He does buy him things, but generally the "maintaince" stuff I pay for. Like the chuck e cheese membership, and the new shoes and clothes when he out grows them, I paid for his gymnastics when he did it, things like that.