AITAH for going behind my mother’s back about police?

I would like to note that I have trouble writing paragraphs and explaining, this is a very short version of the events and would like to note that the abuse ect went on for 2 years

Tw: sexual harassment, child abuse, guns

For reference I am 16F, mother is 51F, stepfather is Jason 49M

Backround: When I was 7 my dad cheated on my mother as their marriage was loveless and fell inlove with another women, my parents divorced and my dad got remarried but my mother never let it go.

One thing I should note is that my father didn’t leave me rather I visited every holidays but was forced into not telling him anything, I was very distant from him entirely

when I was about 14 and my mother met a new bf, aka jason who seemed nice at first, over time my mother started smoking a lot of weed, smoked weed with me ,We would often argue, my mother and I would hit eachother and run away, come back , get drunk, scream at eachother ect. there was a massive build up, some of Jason’s behaviour was making sexual comments towards me “you shouldn’t wear skirts like that around men like me” things like this. Jason served time after I turned 14 for the sale of n unregistered weapon, used this money for methemphetemine.He and my mother’s relationship was very toxic often resulting in extreme violence and one day he threw us out of the car.

Story starts: After he had thrown me and my mother out of the car (for something stupid) I tried to tell her that he wasn’t good for us, so she screamed at me and abandoned me in the side of the road, so I went to my aunts house (she lives with a social worker) that initially said that a lot of her behaviours was child abuse and the police needed to get involved as my mothers anger was getting worse, I was then told to tell my dad everything and ended up moving across the country to live with him

My mothers anger got in trouble with the police and lost her job, she has a dvo order on Jason and I haven’t really spoken to her in 6 months. Lately I have been feeling guilty and like an asshole with how I handled it