AITA for wanting holidays to be special?
So I (30F) and my boyfriend A (37M) have one child P (4M). A and I both work. We both grew up poor and have very much spoiled our son because of it, getting him things that we never got as children and it's lately become a problem so we decided to scale back. This is all important back story. So we were talking about Christmas this evening and he said that he wanted to get P just one big thing and a couple little things. I said so you only wanna get him three presents? He said yes he wanted to go against the norm and started talking about how not everything is about material things. This is not a money issue, we both make decent money. I asked if he remembered Christmas mornings as a kid coming downstairs and seeing all the presents and getting all excited. He said he didn't and I told him that I do and wanted our son to have that magic. He then said that I was trying to recreate my childhood and my "subsized christmases" Because we did get a lot of charity Christmases as kids (and not that it matters but my parents are in a much better place and ever since then they have donated to the charities they used every year since). I asked what that was supposed to mean and he said just what he said. At that point I told him that he sucks the magic out of every holiday. Never wants to do anything for new years or valentines day, Easter is just about P, Halloween he complains because he can't watch a horror movie every night in the month of October, complains about my family for Thanksgiving and is an overall grinch at Christmas time. He told me that I need to grow up because I'm 30 and P is the only thing that matters. I go above and beyond for holidays for P to make them special, not necessarily the gifts but like for Easter I stayed up and hung up some decorations, hid eggs in the house, made bunny shaped muffins, and scattered jelly bean "bunny poop" around his basket, things like that. He was so excited the Easter bunny left him decorations and made him breakfast and he keeps asking when Easter is, but I digress. So I told A that there's nothing wrong with wanting things, he said he shouldn't have to "conform" to what I want. I said that what I want is to matter too, that of course P matters and is the priority, but that I should also matter and that I want the magic of the holidays too. I want a stocking, an Easter basket, flowers on valentines day, to just feel special. He said "youre 30 years old, youre not getting an eastet basket. Grow up." I know it's pretty first world problem, but I work hard and long hours, this week for example I'm scheduled 70 hours I just want to feel like I'm important too. So AITA for wanting some magic on the holidays?