Sad, titration PUK - Meflynate XL advice please, worried I won’t find medication in the titration timeframe given

I started titration recently.

My expected doses were 20mg week 1, 40mg week 2, 60mg week 3/4.

I’m getting really upset, I tried 20mg for 5 days, I felt no change at all, it didn’t help me when I tried to push to do basic things (which I struggle with) and I didn’t feel ANYTHING. No good, no bad, no sleep issues nothing.

Prescriber allowed me to move to 40mg on day 6, I’m now 2 days in and I still feel NOTHING.

It isn’t helping, I feel the same as I did prior to this medication. I haven’t felt it “wear off” Feelings aside, it hasn’t helped with any of my issues with adhd, I’m the exact same, everything is the same. I have to FORCE myself to finish tasks that I struggle with, and it isn’t any easier than before the medication.

I understand not every medicine or dose benefits people but I’m worried I won’t find one medication that helps me in the titration time frame of 8-12 weeks,

and I read somewhere that someone was only allowed to trial 3 different medications from PUK before having to be put back on the waiting list?? I’m getting worried now lol 😭