Reached top of list, prescriber reviewing my records and should start Titration this week!!
As titled, I should start titration this week hopefully which is great because
My partner has broken up with me and I’m mentally distraught and heart broken. But this is a huge plus finally happening!!
I’ve suffered with depression and anxiety since 12, I’m currently 27, almost 28 years old!
I do not work I do not go outside alone EVER I fear learning anything new (especially driving) I’m terrified to get a job, meet new people the lot!
I can’t keep on a hobby longer than a week, which is upsetting because there’s SO MANY THINGS I WANT TO DO. But fear has overruled every aspect of my life for years.
I’ve tried all anti depressants, and now I’m on pregabalin and Escitalopram daily which also doesn’t help.
I’m excited to trial adhd medication because I am really hopeful I will be able to LIVE!! Live a bloody life. I’m literally such a shut in. Barely see family, mum comes to me everyday of the week to help with life and daily living.
Barely see any friends or keep in contact with them, only social media friends.
I really hope medication helps me🤞🏻🫶🏻