Please help with advice, is this feeling normal?
Hello everybody! For over half a year now I’ve been dealing with a consistent issue… “relaxing” tasks are so boring. I recently read an article about ADHD that says that most people that have ADHD have some form of depression. I don’t think I have depression, I’ve been depressed before and it’s a very empty feeling. The depression I experienced in the past was like a numbness to everything. This is a very different feeling, I just can’t get any entertainment out of the “fun” things that I do. I feel accomplished when I go to the gym, make breakfast, get tasks that need to get done, done. It’s when I try to relax that the issue starts to show up. I can’t get any entertainment out of video games, there’s no TV shows or movies that are scratching my itch. My day is commonly spent just switching between the two trying to find something that will finally entertain me. When I get bored of switching between the two, I just go online and try to explore for hobbies. Right now my work has me awake at night time so I can’t really go out and do anything, and it’s way too cold as well. I’m stuck in the house. Any help would be greatly appreciated, this has been a consistent issue for so long and I’ve exhausted all my resources at this point. I don’t think it’s something that requires medication, but you never know. (Also I live alone, just me and my betta fish.)