Do I need to seek immediate medical attention or can I wait to contact my surgeon in the morning?

I am 2 months post op with a quad graft. This incision was completely healed for the graft site but opened and started spitting sutures. It feels like glass coming through the open wound, and now it’s starting to pus. I’ve been cleaning it and keeping it covered with a bandaid but it seems to be just getting worse. Does this seem like something I need to go to the hospital for immediately or do you think I can wait to contact my surgeon in the morning which is in a couple of hours. Thanks!

I am 2 months post op with a quad graft. This incision was completely healed for the graft site but opened and started spitting sutures. It feels like glass coming through the open wound, and now it’s starting to pus. I’ve been cleaning it and keeping it covered with a bandaid but it seems to be just getting worse. Does this seem like something I need to go to the hospital for immediately or do you think I can wait to contact my surgeon in the morning which is in a couple of hours. Thanks!