The comments about Mina are tacky
The same sub that literally worships terrible people such as Anfisa and Jasmine (-before it is said, their counterparts are not saints), is hell bent on disliking and misunderstanding Mina, when the two aforementioned are actually abusive people.
Don't get me wrong, Mina could be a terrible person, but we literally do not know yet. It's awful that people cannot have a critical conversation about what is honestly supposed to be light hearted and trash! TV.
A few things I have seen are:
Is she French? She's not French, she can't be speaking French. I am a French expert and a black woman with a dialect cannot possibly be French.
She is a golddigger. You upvote anything Jasmine and Anfisa. You have also only seen a biased introduction and one episode of a person. I also thought she came off as funny and caring. She seemed to have chemistry with Mark, apparently others do not see.
She is bratty and complaining about his home. She is expected to raise a fully black and multiracial child in a nearly full white state and area. His ex wife's pictures are hung up all around the home. He did not baby proof and threw up a subpar gate last minute. To see no problem with that is out of touch. I saw what she said as, I'm not going to feel at home here, which is valid. Isn't it also normal to want something of your own, together, when you are starting a new family?
She abandoned her child and was ingenuine about it. She was literally crying! And she explained her K-1 visa was set to expire, implying she waited until the very last minute to see if her son's paperwork would be ready and was heartbroken it wasn't. I don't think I could do the same, but it sounded like it wasn't a particularly easy situation. Who knows the details of that.
She is ugly. Your personal opinion and rude.
I am sure more details will come out, and personally I am against such age gaps. But if a 5 year relationship that has worked for them, works for them. Who am I to judge? If it is transactional, that's agreed upon between them and not the first in history, or 90 day.
90 day fan bases love to tear down black women, and that's just tacky. The same thing happened with Matilda, and others ad naseum. Defend it all you want, or you can at least think critically about it. Instead of hopping on the daughter's bandwagon, have you thought about what might have caused her to say that? At all?
Sure what she described at the baptism does sound like rude behavior, and Mark tried to explain it. That doesn't give Mina a pass, but we just do not know the full story yet. So many details could be missing. And while his daughter said she is open to establishing the relationship, trying to interfere with her dad's relationship doesn't make it sound like it.
What about the preview when the daughter is literally telling her father to do a prenup right in front of Mina's face? From the viewers' perspective, it was literally Mark's whole family physically against her and her child.
People have to realize multiple people can be toxic, and sometimes pot stirrers exist in families with agendas. So far, it does seem like his daughter likes to stir.
I hate when people are needlessly misunderstood. Anyway, time will tell!