Has anybody ever seen any evidence of Miniclip actually doing anything about all of the F'ing cheaters?

I've been playing a lot today on the special 9 ball table, enough to go up 7 billion in winnings, and I've probably encountered 20+ hackers. Save for 1 from Malayasia, of course they were all flagged with Pakistan.

I have been playing this game off and on for 10 years now and I'm only level 260 something. How in the hell are these people getting up into the 4-500s while blatantly cheating if M is actually doing anything? Are these reports people submit just lip service to try and make us think they're actually trying to stymie the cheating?

Ironically, as I'm typing this, I got matched with another Pakistan flagged cheater. 103, win streak 16, 489 wins out of 657 for 74.5 percentage, 19.51b won.

It would literally take 5 seconds of a moderator's time to watch a single shot from any of these people to see that they're hacking.

EDIT: In the 8 minutes since I posted this thread, I have faced another 3 Pakistan flagged cheaters, one of whom I have already faced and beat earlier from the break. I'm typing this as I'm in a match with one right now.