Just finished Anime and Movie: QUESTIONS

First of all I want to say that I thought the anime and movie were great.

As for the pacing I was a little bit confused. I thought that the plot was really well paced throughout the whole anime but then all of a sudden what could’ve been explained throughout 1 or 2 more seasons is then what I felt, crammed into a movie.

This is not to say that the movie was bad I just felt rushed.

Personally I changed preferences of who I wanted to win about every episode. Every time I really liked someone, someone else proved their worth in the next snd it was just a cycle. I also can relate to the heavy preference of Miku but for me that was too much of a predictable loved character although I still liked her. But for me I really admired how brave Nina was to really take that first step so for me she was mostly my preference after she confessed however, I would’ve loved Itsuki to win as I’m about to talk about the movie.

The movie is introduced into what I assume to be almost straight after the show transitioning into the school festival where we are introduced into about an hour (I forgot how much time) of one-on-one time essentially that Fut spends with them. Then Fut is presented with his final test of who to choose in which he chose Yotsuba?

I’m not hating on Yotsuba in anyway I thought that she had definitely suppressed her feelings way too much as it was obvious she too had feelings for Fut. This leads to my questions.

(Let me preface this with a warning that my only knowledge of anything to do with this manga adaptation is the show and movie. I have not read or heard anything about it while I’ve watched the anime and movie. I came to reddit after finishing the show seeing that there was a movie I went straight off and watched it.)

  • the ending confused me extremely which I think I’m definitely not alone on. Was the marriage a dream? I was so lost on where we were in the timeline att he marriage and the scene after someone pls explain.

  • I also have a question about when Fut thinks back to his kiss with Itsuki after his kiss with Yotsuba at the wedding. Is he implying he still has feelings for her?

  • I want to know what other people’s preferences were and why?

  • And can someone please explain the ending in general and if I’ve missed something important to go along with the movie.

I have a lot more statements and questions but I need to get this out for nöw.